Friday, July 15, 2011


Hello you Old Ham...

When I first met Jake and saw his name I pronounced it "Oldam" and didn't think too much of it. But after going through the drive through one too many times with Jake and hearing him pronounce it "Old-ham" to the man behind the window so that the spelling would be right I realized what I was getting myself into...

I have always made it appoint to pronounce it correctly and spell it out if someone needs it. Seriously, even if I have to spell it 5 times. O-L-D-H-A-M. So one day I go to the pharmacy and they ask me my last name. Oldham O-l-d-h-a-m. The old guy types it in slowly and then said... "Oooh, Old-ham". Dang, my strategy had failed me. But I'm not much of a quitter.

So then at school we put our first initial last name on assignments, not thinking about it the very first time I wrote Oldham instead of Ellison, I wrote coldham. My teacher didn't know my new last name and obviously didn't recognize he was looking through our assignments, he paused and then asked the class. "Alright, who put their name as cold-ham?" I guess it inevitable, I can't escape it, but I will fight it. ;)

1 comment:

  1. HA HA. I love it Chels! That's super funny! I love your blog! Thanks for the update and good story!
