Sunday, April 07, 2013

Day One - 5 Ways to Win my Heart

So, I started a 30 days blog challenge to hopefully get me back in the blogging spirit, so that I'll be better at documenting our life! Here it goes...

Day 1- 5 ways to win my heart.

1. Typography: Kern (properly adjusting the space between each letter), hate papyrus (the dreaded, awful font) and love Helvetica. Pretty simple right? ;) I always assumed it was too much for me to ask to find a normal non-designer male that would share even a hint of my passion of typography.

However, after Jake had listened to almost 1 million hundred rants about papyrus on the freeway billboards, and the poor kerning in the Macy's display banners, his interest started to peak and he too began scoffing at papyrus *swoon*, I was hooked.

2. Humor: My favorite people to be around, shoes to watch, and songs to listen too, are ones that put a smile on my face. This can generally and easily be done with humor. I love a good laugh and I'm always giggling. The president of my company says I have a good sincere laugh- similar to a toddler (yup, he literally compared me to a toddler. In front of a client nonetheless.)

3. Suits: Nothing better than a man in a good tailored suit. That's actually one of the first things I noticed about Jake. First his eyes, then that suit of his. Ironically, when Jake bought that suit he also thought he looked good. So good in fact, he told his friend he would meet his wife in that suit.

4. The Spirit: I want to be around people that add to the spirit in my life, not take away. If you can do that I will treasure my time around you.

5. Don't judge me: There is nothing worse than being around people that you know are judging your every move. It gets tiresome and I want to be who I am, doing the best that I can. If I feel that I can be myself, the good, bad and ugly around you, then you have my heart.

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