Thursday, December 23, 2010
Okay, today started out the very best way. This morning I woke up and took a look at my bedroom door. Something was off, my full body Ikea mirror was propped up against it, away from it's normal place next to my bed. I rolled over and asked Jake why it was there and he insisted he had no idea. Finally after figuring it out we came to the conclusion that my sleepwalking husband had propped it up against the door and then pulled the bottom drawer of our dresser out so that if someone came in the mirror would fall on that drawer and break. I was laughing so hard. I had slept through all of this... While laughing at him he rolled over and reached under the pillow where he normally keeps his gun... and sure enough there was our heavy duty mag light. He was going to beat the intruder. Bahaha best way to start a morning.
Haha sounds like your in for more eventful mornings in the future haha. Very funny.