Wednesday, August 03, 2011

My New Coffee Table.

So... a while ago I saw this picture, I almost died, I wanted one so bad. 

This one they made themselves but there are many others out their that are real industrial coffee tables. I searched KSL where I found one listed for $450. Ugh. Suck, that's one of the cheapest ones I could find throughout my wanderings. So, I decided to make one. That most expensive part was going to be the wheels which would cost about 50 for 4 small ones. Most of the carts had these giant wheels, but those were completely out of my price range. 

So yesterday, while I was browsing KSL I found a man who was selling them for $30 bucks. Holy smokes! I looked at the ad and it was really really old. I figured there was no way that it was still for sale. Slightly devastated, but with a glimpse of faith in my heart I emailed the man who was selling them asking if they were still available.... They were! Two of them for $50. So, we brought these bad boys home, there is some work to do with them, but not much. I'm probably selling the other one, if you would like it let me know.

Anyways, I am absolutely loving loving the character that this brings into my family room! 
Now if I could only find a great rug...

Monday, August 01, 2011